Publication (English)

  1. Coverage of Royal Baby in World Media
    The National University Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences & Business Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, ISSN 2410-1508, Published by the National University, Bangladesh, December 2014; Page: 63-78
  2. Political Violence in Bangladesh (2013-14): Crossing Through the Culture of Fear
    The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences, Chittagong University, Chittagong-4331, Volume 30, ISSBN number- 984-7070-0036-4, 2017, Page: 165-176
  3. Narendra Modi’s Heroic Representation on Anandabazar Patrika’s Front Page: A Semiotic Analysis
    Book Chapter: Nationalism, Ethnicity and Media Ethics, Editor: Professor Dr. Ambrish Saxena, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi 110002, First edition (printed in India), ISBN 978-81-934480-5-2, 2018, Page 248-259
  4. Online Mass Media Management (draft) Policy 2012 and 2015 The Issues of the Debate
    Co-authored with Hasan Mahmud Faisal. The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 31, Number 1, Chittagong University, Chittagong, ISBN-984-7070-0036-4, Published: October 2018, Page- 65-86
  5. Principles and Peace Communication of Mahatma Gandhi: A Semiotic Analysis
    Co-authored with Amina Khatun Rinky, GLOBAL MEDIA JOURNAL (Indian Edition Sponsored by the University of Calcutta, UGC Listed Journal) Theme: GANDHIJI AND COMMUNICATION, ISSN 2249 – 5835 Winter Issue/December 2018 Volume: 9/ Number: 2
  6. Facebook as Homogenization of Ideology: Change of Information Society to Network Society
    Reinventing Nationalism Secularism and Plurality: MEDIA DISCOURSES & DECONSTRUCTION, Edited by: KV Nagraj and Ankuran Dutta, ARMT South Asia Publications, Guwahati, Assam, India, ISBN: 978-81-933-588-4-9, 2019, Page: 268-277
  7. Culture of Escapism in Contemporary Bangladesh: Context of ‘Subodh’ Series Graffiti
    Co-authored with Mohammad Mohiuddin, ITIHASH O SHAHITTO PROBONDOMALA-3, a collection of peer-reviewed research Articles, Collections of 4th International Conference of Banglar Puratatva Gabeshana Kendra held at Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Kolkata on 29th December 2018, Editor: Rajib Banu, First published September 2019, ISBN: 978-81-939021-5-8, Pages: 199-205
  8. Refugee Life in Cinema: Ritwik Ghatak’s Partition Trilogy
    Book Chapter: World Cinema and Alternate Networks, Editor: Professor Dr. Ambrish Saxena, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi 110002, First edition (printed in India) 2019, ISBN: 978-81-937070-9-8, Page 87-97
  9. Connecting India and West in Malayalam CIA Movie: A Cultural Analysis of Love, Politics and Border
    Book Chapter: World Cinema and Alternate Networks, Editors: Professor Dr. Ambrish Saxena, Kanishka Publishers, 2019; New Delhi, India, ISSBN: 978-81-937070-9-8, Page: 31-43
  10. The Impact of Indian Cinema and TV to Create Fashion Excitement in Bangladesh
    Co-authored with Trinanajana Das. (Best Paper Awarded in International Conference on ‘Indian Cinema and Alternate Networks – ICAN2 2018’, organized jointly by DME Media School, Delhi Metropolitan Education (DME), Noida, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India, and School of Communications and Creative Arts, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, at DME, Noida on Nov 16, 17 and 18, 2018), Published as a book chapter in INDIAN CINEMA: FILMIC CONTENT, SOCIAL INTERFACE & NEW Technologies, Editors: Professor Dr. Vikrant Kishore & Professor Dr. Ambrish Saxena; Kaniskha Publishers, New Delhi, India, ISSBN:978-81-84-57-863-8; 2019; Pages: 73-85
  11. Islamic fundamentalism: Contextualizing Taslima Nasreen in Indian Bengali Movie Nirbashito
    Published as a book chapter in INDIAN CINEMA: FILMIC CONTENT, SOCIAL INTERFACE & NEW Technologies, Editors: Professor Dr. Vikrant Kishore & Professor Dr. Ambrish Saxena; Kaniskha Publishers, New Delhi, India, ISSBN:978-81-84-57-863-8; 2019; Pages: 139-150
  12. Media Ethics in Bangladesh: Multiple Narratives
    Role of media in strengthening society and Democracy, Editor: Dr. Trishu Sharma, University Institute of Media Studies, Chandigarh University, Mohali, India, Published by Rudra publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, ISBN:978-93-88-361-15-6, First published 2019; Pages: 114-122
  13. Semiotic Analysis of Extensive ‘MODIfied’ Front-page Coverage of BJP’s Electoral Performance in 2019: How Daily Newspapers Reacted to Narendra Modi’s Thumping Victory in India
    Co-authored with Amina Khatun Published as a book chapter in Rise of the Digital Human: Perspectives on Digital Communication in India Today, Editors: Sunayan Bhattacharjee, Dr. Tanusri Mukharjee and Prof Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, MANAK publications PVT. Ltd, New Delhi, India, ISSBN978-81-943035-1-0 (PB), First published 2019; Pages: 127-137
  14. Representation of Newspapers Front-page: Comparative Analysis of Global and Indo-Bangla
    Co-authored with Iftila Jannat and others Published as a book chapter in Rise of the Digital Human: Perspectives on Digital Communication in India Today, Editors: Sunayan Bhattacharjee, Dr. Tanusri Mukharjee and Prof Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, MANAK publications PVT. Ltd, New Delhi, India, ISSBN978-81-943035-1-0 (PB), First published 2019; Pages: 138-145
  15. The Development of Front Page Makeup Design of Bangladeshi Daily Newspaper, Aug 2018 – Jun 2019 (Supervised and Funded by Research and Publication Cell, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh)
  16. Mob Lynching in Bangladesh & India: The context of Culture of Fear (Accepted for publishing), South Asia Communication Conference on Media Portrayal of the Marginalized Communities organized by School of Mass Communication (SMC) at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Deemed to Be University, Bhubaneswar, India, December 21-22, 2018
  17. Jabbar Mia’s Wrestling Festival and Folk Culture of Chittagong: An Analysis
    (Accepted), International Conference on Evolution of Tradition: Interrogating Transformations in Traditional Folk Performing Arts, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Howrah, India organized by Center for Knowledge ideas and Development Studies (KnIDS) Kolkata, India on 10-11 January 2019
  18. Unsung heroes of Bangladeshi TV show Ittyadi: campaign of sustainable development strategy
    (Accepted) National Seminar on Media & Ideology of Development: Strategic options for Developing Region, Central University of South Bihar, Dept. of Mass Comm. & Media,  Bihar, India, 1st March 2019
  19. Development and its Sustainability for Minorities: A Study of Bangladeshi Hindus
    Co-authored with Trinanjana Das (Presented and Accepted for publishing- Best Paper Award), Asian Congress for Media and Communication, India Chapter’s 2nd International Conference ‘Media and Communication in Sustainable Development’ Organized by Centre for Journalism and Mass Communication, Visva- Bharati, Santiniketan, WB, India, February 11-13, 2019